What is NLP?

NLP is a User Manual for your brain. It integrates thought and the nervous system (Neuro), communication and the power of language (Linguistic) and the unconscious habits and patterns we run on (Programming).

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) resulted from the research of human behaviour in the 1970s undertaken by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder. 

By studying the patterns of the most successful communicators and human change agents, they discovered the structure and methodology of human excellence! 

They developed a set of techniques by studying very successful therapists, Milton Erickson and Virginia Satir, and incorporated the ideas of Fritz Pearls and Gregory Bateson to create models (or patterns) to help people make incredible shifts in their life. 

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) was created as a practical method, a technology and an attitude which give us a deeper understanding of how we, as human beings function and gives the tools to understand the psychology behind human behaviour.

How can NLP help you?

NLP is becoming the most demanded tool for greater personal growth and capacity. It is a necessary knowledge for anyone, whoever you are, to learn about yourself, and interactions between yourself and others.

NLP is especially useful for  anyone who works with human beings, like health and social services, HR, teaching marketing, management, finance, communication and coaching etc..

Learn from the Source.

Get a unique perspective of NLP by training with Fay Bailey.

Fay teaches NLP through her own experience and the way Richard designed it to be taught, through ‘hands-on’ experience of doing it. Practice the NLP skills instead of talking about them!

"It has increased the value of my own life, and I have also started helping other people to get a better life. I am often thinking of you with joy!”

** If you wish to experience NLP for the first time then quote code:- TMNLP1 for 10% off your first session with Fay.  

For information on NLP Therapy and NLP Training visit Fay's other site

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